Showing 1–32 of 385 results

Showing 1–32 of 385 results

Is THC P stronger than THC O?
THC-P is believed to be more potent than Delta 9 THC, while THC-O is believed to be three times more potent than Delta 9 THC. It is unclear how the potency of THC-P and THC-O compare directly to each other.
Is THC-P stronger than Delta 9?
Yes, THC-P is believed to be 33 times more potent at the CB1 receptor than Delta 9 THC.
How long does THC-P last?
The effects of THC-P can last for several hours, but the duration can vary depending on the individual and the method of consumption.
Is THC P safe?
There is limited research on the safety of THC-P, but as with any cannabinoid product, it is important to start with a low dose and be aware of your tolerance.
What is the difference between THC-O and THC-P?
THC-O and THC-P are two different analogues of THC found in hemp. THC-O is believed to be three times more potent than Delta 9 THC, while THC-P is believed to be 33 times more potent at the CB1 receptor than Delta 9 THC.
What is THC P?
THC-P, or Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid and a THC analogue found in hemp. It has been found to be more potent than THC at the CB1 receptor.